Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Click on a character name to select that character and display a preview of that character's class, portrait gender , level, fame level, and mod status. Reworked build codes to support the potential additional data requirements for mods. To Save a Character's Build: If you really want to use this feature, it can be activated in the options menu. Build codes have been further compressed from 76 characters down to 72 characters. torchlight 2 rapid respec

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Fixed bug with pet name sometimes being incorrectly detected as "yyyyyyyyyy. Keep one point in starter skill If enabled, this setting prevents you from removing the first skill point in a class's starter skill.

Im playing just in single player, is that metter and effect using mods? Options Launches the options menu. Click "OK" to load the selected character, or click "Cancel" to cancel. Leads to more error messages, but fewer corrupted save files. Fixed a bug with Vortex Hex not being recognized.

Mod Spotlight: Torchlight II’s Rapid Respec mod

New features to strip mod bindings and remove mods from your character's mod torchlught. Click "Load Build for Editing" on the "Load" tab or "Load Saved Build for Editing" from the "File" menuthen then select a saved build file or paste a build code into the box.

Rapid Respec is how you can respec in a mod-less save without shifting it into a mod save. Originally posted by timlakin Panda, Alpaca, Stag, and Headcrab.

torchlight 2 rapid respec

Tiomasta View Profile View Posts. Please see the mod compatibility guide for instructions.

torchlight 2 rapid respec

It is strongly recommended that you leave "Backup save files before respeccing" checked at all times. It is your character save - you do what you want with it.

This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Fixed bug that caused mod binds not to be stripped from items in the pet inventory when stripping mod binds from items. After changing sex, the icon in the character selection screen resped show the old sex. Fixed a rare bug that sometimes caused crashes or misparse of pet data.

Rapid Respec mod :: Torchlight II General Discussions

Build codes have been further compressed from 76 characters down to 72 characters. Remove the "cheater flag" caused by console use.

Probably caused by old versions of Torchlight 2 Rapid Respec -- sorry! Added cheat option to change newgame cycle. Added detection and notification for abnormal file structure at pet color.

Make rfspec to keep the internal directory structure intact. Reworked build codes to support the potential additional data requirements for mods. We are not responsible if people do not want to play MP games with someone who has "adjusted" their skill and attribute points to crazy levels, though: Added additional safety checks to parser so users are more likely to encounter an error message instead of the program crashing when a save file fails to parse. Build codes no longer contain spell respec information.

Originally posted by Leoland:. rapld

Rapid Respec :: Torchlight II General Discussions

Fixed a bug that sometimes caused crashes when loading characters with badger, deer, or headcrab pets. Right click, select "run as administrator.

Special Notice for Steam Users: The installer should solve a lot of installation and configuration problems.

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